Unless say, you burn it to crisps and cinders while you leave it on the stove when the phone rang and it's your tongue-wagging long lost friend on the line. Apart from that unfortunate event, omelettes are pretty much fail-safe with a great YUM factor and is seriously easy to cook.
Eggs are tricky as they are loaded with cholesterol. Here's a list comparing different cholesterol levels in eggs per 100g:
Hen egg - yolk only 1480mg
Hen egg - white only 0mg
Hen egg - 1 (55g) whole egg 228mg
Duck egg - whole egg 850mg
Quail egg - whole egg 415mg
Our daily dietary cholesterol intake should be less than 300mg. So, choose wisely when you are about to reach for another tempting sunny-side up or a second helping of nice fluffy scrambled eggs. Remember that other foodstuff that you consume may also contain cholesterol.
Tomato and mushroom omelette
Serves 1 meal with staples
1 medium chicken egg, beaten
1/4 medium onion, chopped
1 medium tomato, sliced
4 mushrooms, sliced
1/2 stalk spring onion, chopped
Olive oil, for cooking
In a non-stick pan, heat olive oil. Add onion and cook until golden brown or fragrant. Add tomato and mushrooms. When mostly cooked, pour in egg. Decrease flame. Sprinkle spring onions on top and serve.
I love the taste of unseasoned cooked egg but you can add some herbs and a tiny pinch of salt.